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June 16, 2017

Maintaining The Shine And Lustre Of Concrete And Wooden Floors

Concrete and wood are the two very popular choices for flooring materials even today. While the elegance, stylish sophistication and warmth of the wooden floor has its very own timeless appeal, the durability of the concrete floors too is hard to ign...
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June 9, 2017

The Many Different Aspects Of Artificial Flooring

Many of us dream of living in houses having exotic flooring; but few of us can actually afford to think of living in a house with marble floors or stone or ceramic floors. Today, however, with the help of artificial flooring, it is possible to emulat...
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June 2, 2017

Clay Vs Concrete—The Better Option For Roof Tiling

While the floor forms the basic structure housing the building, the roof offers the most effective protection against the elements of nature. Hence it is also the area which experiences the maximum amount of wear and tear. Care must thus be taken to ...
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May 25, 2017

Vinyl Wood Flooring – The Ultimate Fusion Of Flooring Options

Vinyl flooring has come a long way from being used as inconspicuous flooring materials for cafeterias, basement floors etc. Today vinyl flooring comes in a wide array of options; each of which is a perfect combination of elegance, style and aesthetic...
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May 19, 2017

Want A Green Home – Opt For Eco-Friendly Flooring Options

People have become very conscious about the use of eco-friendly materials in their daily lives. So much so that even for installing the floors of their houses, they are looking at green options to minimise the damage caused to the environment. As a r...
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May 4, 2017

Enhance The Beauty Of Your House With Rocks And Bricks

A good co-ordination of bricks and stones makes for a home unmatched in beauty and style. Best suited for decorating the exterior of homes, this is a combination which dates way back in history. Timeless in its appeal and universal in its popularity,...
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April 27, 2017

DIY Methods Of Cleaning Wood And Concrete Floor

Today there are many different types of materials used for installing the floors of a house. New innovative materials like cork, bamboo, linoleum etc. are also being used as flooring materials along with the traditionally popular hardwood, concrete, ...
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April 20, 2017

The Unique Feel Of A Cork Flooring

Cork has been traditionally known as a product which is extensively used to seal the flavour of wine within the bottle. In fact uncorking a bottle of wine is a common enough phrase; one which we are all familiar with. But the fact that cork can also ...
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April 13, 2017

Get Appreciation Galore With These Flooring Options

The most important characteristic which defines the functionality and feel of your home is the floor. And with a variety of options to choose from starting from hardwood to concrete and laminate to stone etc., you will definitely be spoilt for choice...
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April 7, 2017

To Choose Or Not To Choose Laminate Floor

There are three things that govern the choice of flooring—lifestyle, location and budget. There are few flooring options which score on all fronts. Laminate flooring is one such option which is able to easily adapt to your lifestyle, can be placed ...
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March 24, 2017

Ways To Retain The Beauty Of Your Hardwood Floor

Hardwood floors are elegant; they are beautiful and have an old world charm that few can resist. Imparting welcoming warmth to the rooms and homes where they are present, hardwood floors also give value for money as the years go by. But its shine and...
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March 17, 2017

Use Stone Tiles To Enhance The Beauty Of Your Home

If you are thinking of renovating your home and at the same time wanting to go green, then natural stone is the best option for you. Traditionally known to be a durable, water-resistant flooring option with high functionality, stone tiles also have a...
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